17 July 2012

Conference: The Embodied Foundation of Human Communicative Skills

When: 21-23 November 2012
Where: University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Scientific background
In the recent decades the insight that we socially engage in communication as whole human beings has overruled the Cartesian tradition of researching humans as compartmentalized entities. New activities in multidisciplinary research have been launched across the faculties. The purpose of the present conference is to provide a proper forum for researchers to discuss and make explicit their respective theoretical assumptions and disciplinary foundations in relation to embodied human communication, i.e., emotion, language, art. This initiative enables the merging of different specialized expertise based on an embodied view of communication.

Objective and structure
The aim of the conference is to offer a meeting place for researchers working with non-verbal and verbal communication in order to spark ideas for collaboration and common research projects. A prerequisite for everybody is the recognition of embodiment in all human interaction.
The conference will be structured along five thematic sessions, each concentrating on a theme that is of special relevance to non-verbal and verbal communication.
The five themes are: 
  • theories of embodiment for communication
  • cognition and emotion in interaction
  • the development of embodied communication (including acquiring embodied communicative skills and compensating for loss of communicative skills)
  • embodiment in interaction
  • the importance of interpersonal experiences in learning non-verbal and verbal communicative skills

Across the five themes, special attention will be paid to the interplay of non-verbal and verbal communicational aspects.  
Each session will be introduced by a carefully selected key note speaker. Additional presenters in the sessions will be selected via an open call for papers (see details below). 
A draft schedule will soon be available on the conference website.

The conference will take place at the University of Copenhagen, The Faculty of Humanities, Njalsgade 120, DK-2300 København S, Denmark.
The Faculty of Humanity is placed within walking distance from the Islands Brygge metro station. Links to hotels close to the venue or in the city near metro stations are listed here.

Call for Participation
The programme committee now invites the submission of abstracts for papers. The deadline is 22 August 2012. Papers will be allocated 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion. The language of the conference is English. Notification of acceptance decisions will be communicated by 14 September 2012.

For further details and application, you are referred to the conference website. 

Programme Committee:
  • Hanne Ruus, University of Copenhagen (Chair)
  • Csaba Pléh, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Milena Zic-Fuchs, University of Zagreb

Further information
Detailed information about the conference is available on the conference webpages.
ESF Contacts
Dr Eva Hoogland
Ms Claire Rustat-Flinton

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