In the press

Social media can reveal who needs the most help. Norwegian SciTech News. February 8th, 2024. Also in EurekaAlert! NewsWise  Medical Xpress ScienceBlog 

Sosiale medier viser hvem som trenger mest hjelp. January 18th, 2024.

Encouraging Your Child's Creativity: How to Write a Short Story with Khanmigo. Khan Academy Blog. September 20th, 2023. 

Nå sliter mange med "værsyke": - Jeg vil bare ligge inne hele dagen.  NRK Trøndelag. June 6th, 2023. 

It's More Than a Story. Stanley Center for Peace and Security. April 2023. 

Quanto cambia il nostro umore? Ora ce lo dice Twitter in base ai giorni. Spazio 50. January 7th, 2022.

Come cambia (in meglio) l'umore dal lunedi a alla domenicaCorriere della Sera. December 18th, 2021. 

25 millioner tweets analysert: Slik svinger SoMe-humøretAftenposten. June 27th, 2021.

Humøret vårt svinger etter faster rytmer. June 22nd, 2021. 

July 6th, 2021. 

Twitter data reveals rhythms of peoples's moods. Science X Network & TechXplore, May 26th, 2021. 

Write to Reward Your Reader. Harvard Business Review, November 18th, 2020. 

En attendant le vote des betes sauvages : aux origines des traditionsCerveau et Psycho, 95-97, July-August, 2019. 

Comment le storytelling peut etre vecteur de culture. Storytelling: Le blog guide. February 2018. 

Remembering in Context: Social, Cognitive, Linguistic and Material Aspects of MemoryZiF-Mitteilungen 3/2012, 67-68.  September, 2012. 

Cultural memory special guest at the TV show 'Agenda', Deutsche Welle. May 8th, 2012. 

Constructing a Collective Memory in ArgentinaThe Argentina Independent. July 19th, 2010. 

Cotutelle student explores memory in ArgentinaThe Macquarie Globe. February 20th, 2009.