2 May 2009

Masterclass with Professor Jeffrey Olick: On Social Memory

Institute for Social Research, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne

Masterclass with Professor Jeffrey Olick, Professor of Sociology and History at the University of Virginia

On Social Memory

18 & 19 June 2009, Swinburne University (Hawthorn Campus)
Deadline for Applications – 22 May 2009

The diversity of concepts, methods and research questions, which characterises much work on social memory is surely a sign of vitality and dynamism. Yet the ‘centerlessness’ of the scholarship on memory - the other side of this diversity - can be a powerful inhibitor. In the absence of widely-accepted paradigms and a foundational canon of works, scholars are forced to expend their creative energies on reinventing the wheel - endlessly re-establishing parameters of their examination, arguing self-evident truths and moving within small ‘interest groups' in self-imposed isolation.

For the past several years, Professor Jeffrey Olick has argued the importance of the constitution of ‘social memory studies’ as a field – requiring a whole range of divergent mnemonic practices, cultures and products to be systematically and deliberately related to each other. In this masterclass we will use specific examples stemming from participants’ research projects as a way of testing the viability and applicability of the argument for the ‘fieldness’ of social memory research.

The masterclass will commence at 2.30 pm on 18 June following Professor Olick’s public lecture entitled ‘Making Sense of Historical Analogies: Insights from Memory Studies’, Swinburne University, Hawthorn Campus (AGSE 207), 12.30 pm..

The masterclass is for postgraduate students working on projects explicitly engaged with questions of social, collective, or public memory. We will also consider students who are currently writing their fourth-year Honours thesis or have recently completed Honours if we judge their work to be sufficiently developed and relevant to the objectives of the masterclass.

Students, who are interested in taking part in this masterclass, need to apply by 22 May 2009. Applications need to include the following:

• Brief curriculum vitae
• Description of your research project (no more than one page)
• Name and contact details of one academic referee

Completed applications need to be sent (in hard copy, by fax or by email) to:

Institute for Social Research (attn. Dr Maria Tumarkin)
Swinburne University of Technology
PO Box 218 ▪ Hawthorn VIC 3122 ▪ Australia
fax (+61 3) 9819 5349
▪ email: mtumarkin@swin.edu.au

Enquiries: Dr Maria Tumarkin mtumarkin@swin.edu.au

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