Truth, Memory, Justice, and Recovery
9 th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Genocide Scholars
When: July 19-22, 2011
Where: Center for Genocide Studies, Universidad Nacional de Tres Febrero
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Deadline: March 15, 2011
Over the last two decades, the field of genocides has rapidly proliferated. To date, however, the field has not fully addressed the aftermaths of genocide, including the ways in which postconflict societies negotiate issues of truth and memory and seek justice and recovery. This focus is particularly appropriate given the venue, Argentina, and the fact that this will be the first IAGS conference ever held in Latin America. During 1980s and 1990s, the phrase “truth, memory, and justice” became key watchword of resistance and resilience. Despite periodic attempts to focus one of these issues alone (for example, seeking truth instead of justice), many people in Latin America have and continue to insist that only the three pillars together enable individual and social recovery from the collective terror. Truth, Memory, and Justice, then, are the preconditions for the fourth pillar, Recovery.
IAGS and CEGUNTREF welcome papers on all aspects of genocide studies, particularly concerned in papers and sessions devoted to the theme of our 9 th Biennial conference; “Genocide: Truth, Memory, Justice, and Recovery.” Innovative panels, workshops, and papers that consider the dynamics, causes, and consequences of genocide, issues of memory and representation, the role of justice and truth in postconflict societies and the paths to individual and collective recovery will be appreciated. Besides panels and paper, organizers encourage other modes of dialogue, including workshops, roundtable discussion, book presentations, cultural media, and artistic works/readings, including forums that relate to policy initiatives, pedagogy, and education related to the history and prevention of genocide. Genocide studies cover a wide range of approaches and theories. Scholars, practitioners, activists, and teachers interested in genocide studies from all disciplines are encouraged to apply, as are graduate students working in the field.
Papers (abstracts should include your name, affiliation, and email address and be no more than 250 words and singles paced in 12point Times New Roman font) will be accepted on a rolling basis either in English or Spanish language, and should be submitted through the new IAGS registration system at: This site contains detailed submission, membership, registration, and hotel information. Additional conference information can be found at:
Questions may be directed to the conference organizers, Daniel Feierstein and Alex Hinton, at:
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