6 February 2010

Death, Commemoration and Memory: an Exploration of Representation, Concept and Change

Call for Papers: Death, Commemoration and Memory: an Exploration of Representation, Concept and Change

Thursday 24 and Friday 25 June 2010

The Death, Commemoration and Memory (DCM) Research Group is based within the School of Arts, Culture and Environment at the University of Edinburgh. Founded in 2008, DCM provides a forum for postgraduates and staff whose research engages with any aspect of the Group’s remit, attracting junior and senior scholars from a variety of academic disciplines. Building upon the Group’s success, a two‐day conference is planned in Edinburgh for June 2010 to provide a platform for further interdisciplinary discussion and to create new networks between researchers across the world.

Topics for discussion may include, but are not limited to:

- Acts of commemoration, mourning practices and rituals

- The social aspects of individual memory, collective memories and cultural attitudes towards memory

- The ethics and etiquette of death studies: the treatment of human remains in archaeology, pathology and museum practice

- Death in the visual arts: commemoration through architectural and artistic practices

- Poetic, literary and musical interpretations of death

- The dichotomy between history and memory

- Psychological and sociological studies of bereavement

We welcome abstracts of 300 words on any aspect of the conference’s themes, accompanied by a short academic resume of 200 words maximum. Applications should be sent to dcm.ed@hotmail.co.uk with ‘DCM CONFERENCE’ as the email’s subject. Submission deadline: 12 March 2010.

In memory of all members of any religious order who were victims of
state terrorism. Buenos Aires.

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